
Press Voices:

Weekend Organmusic

Almoust eighty auditors experienced the absorbing performance of two magnificant Organ Compositionsat the lutheran Church of Amriswil (Switzerland)

Johann Sebastian Bach: Triosonata BWV 526 „Ventorous work by Bach”

In the first movement the pleasant melody lines merged into one another

and harmonized together as we are accostumed to when it comes to typicl bach fashion. But in the second movement

the melody fourth jumped and came over ventorous, almost unfamiliar and very modern with the pedal bass as cadence disposer.. Thanks to Simon Nàdasi’s souvereighn Interpretation the piece appearedairy, casual and blithful.

The third movement came along a a lively, jaunty menuet in three-four-time.

The interwining, almost competing and mixed up voices gave a nearly coltish effect.

Max Reger: Fantasia and Fugue op.52/2

Sombrous the piece began, with ghostly sounds. Into this athmosphere came bright, short fortissimo passages like bolts and thunder out of a dark sky. Then a gentle voice dominated the following part. Full of suspense the intersity grew and ebbed away again. After a slow, very meaningful crescendo the movement culminated in a sonorous, formidable The Fugue was afireworks of distinctive melody lines which let think of a troubled ocean in their skillfully combined disorder. consistently growing more powerful, louder and more sonorous the Fugue became to die away in broad chords.

Nàdasi’s own Improvitation as a reward.

Enormous applausewas given fort he artfull Interpretaion of Max Reger’s Composition. As a reward Nàdasi gave a few Improvisations in typical Max Reger fashion.



„Hungaria fire” in the sanctuary

Organ and Violin sounds at sunday evening concert in the „Bruder Klaus” Church. Artists Simon Nàdasi (organ) and Nikos Ormanlidis (violin) took liberties with the sacral origin of their choice of musical composition, but they did not with the Quality of their performance. So a tentional variantion between romantic organmusic and rythmic dance like chamber music delighted thwe audience on sunday evening concert at the „Bruder Klaus” Church – Zurich.

Very powerful Simon  presented the Bach theme in Liszt’s „Prelude with Fugue for Organ”. He let the phrases crescend, began the Fugue with a set of dark flute registrars – virtous the keys and sure footed the pedal mixtures – and introduced the final part with trombone – like power.

High contrasted Bela Bartòk’s „Duo Sonatine”: countrymen – like sounds mixed together with the bordun bass of the organ, capricious voices with fingerboard acrobatics from the violin – for Bartòk mixed together bagpipe and bear – dancing (fort he grief of the punished bear could not be missed) as a cheerful duet.

Totally different then Bartòk’s Solo Sonata „Di Ciaconna” to which Ormanlidis gave – in contrast of melodic and virtous wildness – artful severity to its counterpointy, Bach adjoining texture.

Would not bet he name of the composer, Tibor Pikèhty, written above his toccata with Introduction and his Fugue, the auditor attrbute tis Masterpiece to Reger, Widor or Boellmann fort he Piece appeared so familiar to these composers work. Highly romantic Rubati (accelerations and retardations), orchestral broads, vehemence in the plenum, passacaglia fugue theme which could have been written by Bach or Reger. This was a great romantic Organ Piece composed by a laggard of this period.

Coming back to the duet: delicate violin parts with sensitive eligac centilene Ormanlidis offered in Kodàly’s Adagio, where the Organ stepped back with a gentle wood accompaniment. Whitty composed folklore music introduced the final Part of the concert.

Jàrdàny Pàls and Léo Weiners hungarian dances became a colorful amuse of capital folklore dialogues: cymbals and glowing intensive „Primas Gestus” burlesque scenery and trill acrobatics. The concert was like a Sunday morning at the Puszta: Church service and dancehall – everything on ist right time. The auditors where delighted and gained a Bartòk addition which changed between thoughtfulness and hopdance.

Reinhard Müller


Unique virtous autumn concert. (Nov, 4th, 2007)

Simon Nàdasis autumn concert, which he organized in collaboration with the incumbency of St. Agatha Dietikon (Switzerland), offered a delightful musical experience on its highest niveau. The Program held compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Frederic Chopin, Niccolò Paganini and others. Very scillfull working the Ibach grand piano concerted the part time organist of St. Agatha, Simon Nàdasi and the violin was played by the renowned star violinist Nicos Ormanlidis,who was intriguingly „setting the tone”. Absolute Highlight: the Tzigane – tunes op.20 for violin and Piano by Pablo de Sarasate. No wonder that the auditors wanted to get an addition, which they got with hungarian Csardas music. The organist and Pianoplayer Simon Nàdas lives in Dietikon (near Zurich). This Year during summer he excellently fulfilled his ipresario diploma for organ at the university for music in Winterthur. The fabolous first Piano concert in Dietikon prooved the auditors that talented Nàdasi is on his right path to become a real brilliant and virtous musician.

Hans – Ruedi Simmen